How is my Coach selected? Can I choose my own Coach?
NEIL BADA2022-05-06T12:11:11-07:00When you sign up for Coaching, you are asked to complete a Placement Interview. This is a series of questions about you personally and about your business. This information is given to Mike and Sabrina. The Coach selection is made based on your answers and their knowledge of the Coaches. Our goal is to match a new client with the Coach we believe can help move them forward. Please be as accurate as you can when answering the questions in the Placement Interview.
In the Placement Interview, we do ask if you have a specific Coach in mind that you would like to work with. If it is possible to match you with that Coach, we will. However, their schedules may be full or if based on the answers you provide in the Placement Interview, we believe it would not be a good fit, you will be assigned to a different Coach.