FCC “Consent” Law

The FCC will put into effect a new “consent” law on January 27th, 2025. Don’t fall for “experts” who can help you through this unless they have a full understanding of the FCC law. This is a federal law that can be enhanced by states. Did the state you live in enhance the law? Talk to your broker, speak to an attorney with FCC knowledge and stay compliant. There is always a path forward and it is always best to know how the law will affect you, if at all.

Mike and the owner of Arch Communication, Steve Cortez, will discuss this at the Production Retreat next week in Palm Desert, CA.

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The Power of a 90-Day Cycle

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, speaker and coach for the Mike Ferry organization. Thrilled, as always to spend any time I can with all of you here on Mike Ferry TV.

So here we are. We’re in a space in time where it really makes a lot of sense to consider the power of a 90-day cycle. If you look at 90-day cycles, oftentimes we want to make big adjustments in our business. And of course, we’d like to make big adjustments in a day or two. But that’s not real. And then oftentimes we don’t like to face something for months and months and months. And what we figured out is that a 90-day window is almost a perfect time to do something special when it comes to moving your business forward. 90 days seems to be the right amount of time. It’s enough time to do something special, not too short and not too long. And we have so much proof over the years of agents that will jump on a 90-day cycle, put their back into it, get involved, get committed and they can make some substantial changes in their business. So, I put these there’s a few thoughts here about you might consider for a 90-day cycle. Let’s think about this … If for the next 90 days you consider these thoughts and you took these adjustments and made them part of what you do, could you have a better outcome? Let’s take a look.

1) Rewrite and redesign your schedule for the next 90 days

Number one, rewrite and redesign your schedule for the next 90 days.

So what I’d ask you to do is go on the calendar, look at this three month window, and I’m going to look at what days am I working, what days am I not working. Get very specific on the days worked and the days you’re not going to work for the next three months. You know, typically in a 90-day cycle, there’s usually between 60 and maybe 65 workdays, maybe 67, in a in a 90-day cycle. So, let’s decide the days we’re going to work for the next 90 days.

2) Create an environment where our focus is on finding new business every day

Okay, number two on this, we have to create an environment where our focus is on finding new business every day.

So, for this 90 day window, I would ask you to get very specific. I’m going to work 64 days over the next 90. I’m going to prospect for 3 hours a day. For those 64 days, I’m going to talk to no less than 25 people a day. For those 64 days, I’m going to talk to and I’m going to dial everybody in my database. I’m going to call all the daily expireds that pop up, I’m going to call 2 or 3 of my listings, my recent listings and my recent sales. I’m going to call some of the for sale by owners that have popped up in the area, come up with a very specific generation plan for three months. I wrote down three designs for yourself, a really strong mindset program for the next three months. Over the next three months, I want to read the following books. Maybe you picked 2 or 3 great books that you want to read for the next three months. I want to recite or chant or repeat the following affirmations every day for the next three months. Maybe there’s some gratitude. I want to write in a journal every day for the next three months. Maybe there are certain positive or uplifting videos that I want to watch every day for the next three months. Could you outline for yourself for just this 90 days, this little work window? How specifically you’re going to keep a strong mindset for three months?

3) Set production goals

Next, I wrote down that we have to center around some really strong production goals for a three month window.

All right. Over the next three months, how many listings will I take? Be specific. How many new sales listings sold or buyer-controlled sales will I put together over the next three months? How many properties will I close escrow over the next three months? And I would put together some very, very specific, very intense, very strong production goals for this three-month window. How about this? I need to come up with a way to not let failure stop me. What’s going to be my approach over this next three months? To not stop. To keep going. To not let it fail. Do I need to set up some strong accountability? Maybe draw another agent online with me to do this along with me? Hold each other accountable. Do I need to get with my mastermind group or some other agents in my office and set it up? Do I need to have a conversation with somebody at home? My family? Significant other? Kids? Can I involve other people so that they’ll support me for this next three months so you don’t quit.

4) Design a skills improvement curriculum

I wrote down, can I design for myself a little skills improvement curriculum for the next three months?

You know, there’s some new twists on what’s going on in the world today. Maybe some objections we have to deal with, with some of the rule changes that are going on. Could I outline for myself the prospecting scripts? I want to master the presentation script that I want to master. The objection handlers that I want to learn how to deliver. Maybe some closing techniques. Could you outline for yourself some pretty intense skills improvement for 30 to 45 minutes every day for the next three months? I wrote this down. Should I maybe then take the three months and break them down into one week business plans? So now I’ve got a 90-day plan ahead of me, and then I’m just going to tackle it one week at a time. All right, this week I’m going to remind myself of my prospecting, of my mindset, of my skills improvement commitments. And I’m just going to follow it for one week at a time. And I’m going to ask other people to get involved and follow along for the ride.

5) Come up with a strong lead follow up protocol

Okay, so I have to recognize that the business I have now, the leads in the pipeline, the listings in the pipeline, the buyer leads I have, they should pretty much all be converted in a 90 day cycle.

So, I would put all of my leads in front of me. What buyer leads do I have? What seller leads do I have? And I would come up with a strong, strong lead follow up protocol for the three-month window. I would throw away all the leads that aren’t going to do anything and I would keep and aggressively convert all the leads that are going to do something, and I would set up that lead, follow up and put all the stuff you could take virtually every lead you’ve accumulated so far this year, put them on the table in front of you and over the next three months. Convert them or throw them away. They should all run through the pipeline. Think about a 90 day cycle in your real estate world, 90 day cycles tend to be the cycle that a listing lists and then goes into escrow and then closes escrow. It takes about 90 days. It’s a full cycle.

6) Determine where do I want to be held accountable

I wrote down this where do I want to be held really accountable for this next 90 days?

Do I want to be held accountable to my schedule? Do I want to really be held accountable to my prospecting? Do I want to be really held accountable to my lead, follow up, or my lead generation? Do I want to be held accountable to some of the mindset work that I’m going to do? Set up pretty intense accountability around this with people around you.

7) Remove the drama, the emotion and the distractions from your life and business

And then I put this down. This is interesting. If you want to have a successful 90-day cycle, I would work hard to remove the drama, the emotion and the distractions from my life and business.

We all know it, that the drama we deal with, the emotions we have and the distractions. Oh my gosh, the distractions. In our business today, the distractions are off the chart, with the cell phone ringing and the text message buzzing and the emails coming in and all the rhetoric that’s going on in the world today of Real Estate, the distractions are off the charts. Could I create an environment where I will remove the emotion, remove the drama and remove all those distractions that are coming at me just for three months? See, I’ve always believed this. I believe a three-month window of time is enough time for you to do something spectacular in your real estate business. Could you swing your momentum from one way to the other? Could you do a massive increase in your production? Could you change your habits? Could you change your skills? And in a 90-day window? I believe you can do that. So, what I might ask you to do is take a little three-month window and outline it like we’ve described here. Get people involved. Have people follow along. If you have a coach, connect with your coach and have them get engaged with this process with you. And let’s all go out there and have a spectacular 90-day cycle starting today.

Thanks for your time.


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