Ten Steps On Becoming a Productive Real Estate Agent
Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of March 3rd. For those that have been to one of my seminars, you will always notice that I keep my notes for what I’m going to say in my hand at all times. And because of what I want to accomplish today with you guys and gals, I’m going to have my notes in my hand. I figured out yesterday that we’ve been doing Mike Ferry TVs for a little over 24 years. When I figured that out, I felt much older than when I started talking to you guys a few minutes ago. But we’ve done about 1,200 Mike Ferry TVs, which probably I’m thinking we’ve probably had several hundred thousand professional realtors like yourself. Watch and listen. So, it’s been an enjoyable ride, and I hope I get to. I can keep doing these for as long as I can stand in front of a camera and say something that makes sense to you. So, thank you for those that have participated in the past and welcome to the new people. At our Superstar Retreat, in 1985, during the morning session, I gave the audience ten things that I thought they should be doing to become more productive in terms of transactions, listings, sales, and make a lot more money. And if they want to succeed at a higher level, I felt these ten things would be valuable. I want to share them with you right now. The same ten thoughts from 1985. And even though you’ve heard me talk about them before, I would certainly write them down and see how many you’re using. Because when you use all ten and your attitude and your mindset is strong, you’re going to succeed at a much higher level.
1) Follow a production-based schedule
So, first on the ten, follow a production-based schedule. Common sense, follow a production-based schedule.
2) Work and build your database
Second, work and build your database. Everybody should be adding to their database on a regular basis and more importantly, calling everybody in your database on a regular basis.
3) Develop 2 to 3 other types of prospecting to support the database
I wrote down third, develop 2 to 3 other types of prospecting to support the database. You have to have more than one method of prospecting if you’re going to keep building your business.
4) Be a little more aggressive in your lead follow up
Fourth, be a little more aggressive in your lead follow up. They don’t realize that you have a business to run, meaning the prospects and your lead follow up is what gets you to the end result.
5) Pre-qualify every prospect, every time
I wrote down number five pre-qualify every prospect, every time. No exceptions. Before you go on a presentation.
6) Strengthen your listing presentation
Number six, strengthen your listing presentation. You’re putting on a show. You’re putting, you’re putting. It’s a chance for you to be a star. But most importantly, it’s a chance for you to do what’s best for the seller or the buyer.
9) Strengthen your showing presentation
And the next strengthen your showing presentation because it’s you got to go farther than just here’s the living room. You’ve got to find out what they’re looking for and then match the house to what they’re looking for.
8) Have specific answers to questions and objections
I wrote down next to number eight. Have answers. Specific answers to their questions and objections.
9) Close for a signature
Number nine close for a signature. Because if you can’t take the pen and say would you sign the contract, please? They’re not going to say, please let me sign it. That’s a rare buyer or seller.
10) Negotiate on behalf of both parties
And number ten, negotiate on behalf of both parties.
And then when you’ve completed the list, I told them in 1985, go back to the top and start over. I was told a little later that that’s how the Mike Ferry sales system came into play. I’ve been teaching that system now for probably 40. Yeah, 40 years realistically, and I’ve always got a positive response for those people that understand that this business is about mindset, skills, activities and action. If you’re the type of agent that is trying to figure out a way to make money without having skills, this is not the right program for you. So, I want to share with you that our Superstar Retreat, which we have been doing now for 40 years, 40 years, and for many, many years, I did 2 or 3 retreats per year around the North America. So, 40 years we’ve probably done 70 superstar retreats will take place July 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th. And on day one, I’m going to take everybody in that audience through all 21 steps, because we did what we’ve done over, over time is we took the ten and then we added customer service, and then we added business planning and then we added profitability.
So now we have 21 steps in the Mike Ferry sales system. I’m going to go through all 21 steps on day one, and I’m going to show you exactly how to use them in the simplest form, and more importantly, how to help you make them part of the foundation you have for succeeding as a real estate professional on days two, three and four, I’m selecting 21 top producers, great sales people, men and women. And I’m going to ask them one at a time to come on stage and take one step of The Mike Ferry Sales System share with you how they use it and what kind of results they get. You know, somebody said to me one time, Mike, we expect you to tell us it works. Let’s have other people tell us it works. So, we’re going to do that at this retreat. This will be the most simple, most direct and most production based retreat I’ve ever done. And as I said, I’ve been doing them for over 40 years. If you accept the fact that selling real estate is a numbers game, if you accept that thought and put that into your subconscious mind and you understand the numbers that I want to share with you, you’ll see why the retreat and the Mike Ferry Sales System is so important. It’s projected in 2025 that we’re going to in the US.
I don’t have the numbers for our Canadian friends, but in the US, we’ll do 4 million transactions. This year we have 1.6 million, approximately 1.6 million agents working at this time. Which means if I divide 1.6 million into 4 million, they’re doing about two and a half transactions per year per person. Now, we know those numbers are pretty accurate, but there’s a whole bunch of people 50% in 2024 did not do a single deal last year. Now, now think about this. You worked 45-50 weeks. You work five, six days a week. You put in 40-50 hours a week for one year and never did a deal. Something is wrong with our industry because you deserve something for the work that you’re putting in. Which means about 800,000 agents or half did 4 to 5 deals per person. But here’s what’s interesting. A very small percentage of the 800,000 do 30, 40, 50, 60 plus transactions per year and probably do 90% of all the business, which means that the major portion of the agents and real estate are doing about 10% of the business. It doesn’t even make sense. The business of real estate is so out of whack, and I’ve spent virtually 50 years trying to help people understand that it’s just a matter of learning certain skills and then executing those skills every day. But if you don’t have any sales experience and you’re thinking that just putting a posting on social media is going to make a difference, you’re probably going to be one of the statistics of not being in real estate in 2026.
So which category are you in? Are you in the small percentage that is doing substantial or are you in the big percentage that is hardly doing anything at all. Which brings me to a very common question that I get asked this time of year every year, Mike, who should attend your Superstar Retreat in July? And there’s a multiple number of people that should attend first, all new licensees that are one year or less in real estate. Let’s create a stronger foundation. See, the worst-case scenario is you attend four days and you absolutely declare, I will never do anything, Mike Ferry says. It’s a very small investment of time to move away from what we talk about. But the major portion of the people that attend our retreat do something of substance for a substantial period of time once the retreat is ended, all new licensees. Then I wrote to all the agents doing 3 or 4 transactions per year or less. I wrote down third all the MFO coaching clients because they have to be at the retreat, because it’s part of the system of coaching. I wrote down forth all the great top producers throughout North America who want to add 20 to 25% of their annual production. And then I wrote down fifth, the majority of the brokers and managers that you have the good fortune of working with.
But here’s what I hear… “But Mike, what is the cost to attend?” Well, the basic fee for the four days is $550 per person. If you’re a premier coaching client, as you know, you attend for free. But Mike, what if I buy a ticket and then sometime in the next few months, I join coaching? We will reimburse to you the cost of your ticket because you’re now a premier coaching client. If you’re a one-on-one coaching client, you get a 50% discount or you pay $275. And if your broker is part of our Elite Broker program, you also receive a 50% discount. Where is the retreat being held this year? At the Venetian Palazzo Hotel in Las Vegas. Simply one of the most beautiful properties on the Las Vegas Strip. Call. Make your reservations and tell them you’re with MFO because they give us a special rate because we use their facilities a lot. Call our office to get registered. Go online to mikeferry.com if you call 1-800-448-0647 and ask for Tim Hansen. Ask for one of our salespeople or ask for Dee, which is Sabrina or my assistant to get registered. It’s going to be a great retreat because not only is it the 40th year of doing it, it’s the 50th year anniversary of the Mike Ferry Organization. I look forward to seeing you there. Have a great productive spring and early summer and hope to see you in July.