Mike Ferry TV Blog

The Mike Ferry TV Blog (MFTV) is an excellent resource for anyone interested in Real Estate, particularly agents and brokers looking to enhance their skills and knowledge. The MFTV episodes provide practical skills and strategies that can be immediately applied in the Real Estate business. These range from improving your self-confidence to understanding complex legal issues in the industry, essential for navigating the Real Estate market effectively. The Real Estate industry is dynamic, and staying updated with the latest trends and legal verdicts is crucial. MFTV offers up-to-date information, ensuring that Real Estate Professionals are well-informed about the latest developments in the industry.

11 Thoughts To Improve Your Self-Confidence Now

11 Thoughts To Improve Your Self-Confidence Now   Welcome to another edition of Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith stepping in for Mike today, and I'm thrilled to present a few thoughts to improve your self-confidence now. Well, here we are the week of November 13th. It's that time of year when the competition is somewhere else. They have completely disappeared from what they're trying to do. They're out shopping. They're out doing something. But what we know is they're not selling Real Estate, okay.   "this is your golden window."   So this is your golden window. Have you decided exactly how many days you're going to work between now and the end of the year? Have you decided how many listings you're...

Exclusive Mike Ferry Addresses NAR Verdict

Mike Ferry Addresses the NAR Verdict (Burnett questions answered; Burnett v. NAR et al,)   Most of you, and I'm sure all your brokers have heard about the startling and big news that came from Kansas City, Missouri, last Tuesday, where the verdict came in on the big lawsuit that has been pending regarding commissions for virtually probably 8 or 10 years. So I want to suggest to you that if you want to update yourself on it, and I quite honestly recommend that everybody should be updating themselves on major legal issues that are taking place in our great industry. I would go to Inman News because they seem to have the most updated and good opinions as to what this is...

Maximize Your Real Estate Deals During The Holidays With These Tips

MAXIMIZE YOUR REAL ESTATE DEALS DURING THE HOLIDAYS WITH THESE TIPS Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. This is Mike Ferry today working with you. It's the week of Monday, November. Excuse me. Monday, October 30th. And we have two great months to produce and list and sell Real Estate. You know, it's interesting because the market has been sliding pretty successfully, by the way, for the last 12 to 14 months. And that started with the interest rate change taking place in June of 2022. And of course, interest rates today are designed to slow down the inflation that takes place in an economy like ours and it affects the Real Estate business in some cases dramatically. But what's so interesting...

The 4 Personality Styles

Exploring the Four Personality Styles for Enhanced Communication and Interaction     Understanding the four personality styles is not just an exercise in human psychology, but a practical tool for improving both personal and professional relationships. This article explores the Merrill-Reid personality styles, drawing insights from Mike Ferry's perspectives, particularly for real estate professionals. Understanding these styles enables real estate agents to forge stronger, more adaptable connections, leading to enduring client relationships and increased referrals. Mike Ferry has said “The better you understand the personality of the client, prospect or center of influence, the stronger the relationship will become and the result will be more referrals and developing customers for life.”   The Merrill-Reid Personality Styles: A Comprehensive Overview   Originating in 1964, the Merrill-Reid personality styles...

Get A Head Start With A 2024 Business Plan

Get a head start with a 2024 Business Plan   Hello there, Tony Smith here with another edition of Mike Ferry TV. This is the week of September 25th, and I was excited. I'm just finishing up day three of our new Action Workshop that we've been presenting here in Los Angeles, California. Mike asked me to spend a little time on this Mike Ferry TV video today. So obviously when you come out of a group of great agents your eyes are all wide open, they're ready to learn, they're ready to grow, they're ready to take their business to the next level. We are certainly inspired to hope that you do that as well. So I want to start with...

Life Behind The Listings: A Day In The Life With Superstar Agent John Sullivan

Life Behind The Listings: A Day In The Life With Superstar Agent John Sullivan   Welcome to MFTV the week of September 18th. Today we are presenting to you another session from our Vault exclusive series, if you like this series, make sure to subscribe. Ever scroll through those glamorous real estate listings and wonder about the faces behind all those deals? Let's be real, the world of real estate isn't just open houses and handshakes—it's a whirlwind of strategy, charm, and a proven Real Estate system! Enter John Sullivan: our superstar agent, the legend, the guy everyone's talking about. But what's a typical day like for someone with such a glitzy title? Today, we're pulling back the curtain, swapping those polished...