Mike Ferry TV Blog

The Mike Ferry TV Blog (MFTV) is an excellent resource for anyone interested in Real Estate, particularly agents and brokers looking to enhance their skills and knowledge. The MFTV episodes provide practical skills and strategies that can be immediately applied in the Real Estate business. These range from improving your self-confidence to understanding complex legal issues in the industry, essential for navigating the Real Estate market effectively. The Real Estate industry is dynamic, and staying updated with the latest trends and legal verdicts is crucial. MFTV offers up-to-date information, ensuring that Real Estate Professionals are well-informed about the latest developments in the industry.

Lessons From 50 Years: Part 1

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of March 17th. We have a very special guest today. Miss Sabrina Ferry is with us, and I'll let her tell you what we're trying to do and what we're trying to accomplish with all of you. Sabrina. Thanks, Mike. So as many of you know, this is the year of the 50th anniversary of the Mike Ferry Organization. And in July, during our superstar retreat, we will be celebrating this amazingly big milestone. And we're so proud of everything that you have accomplished, Mike. And it's just amazing to think it's 50 years already. I've been doing it longer than most of our clients have been alive. Actually, that is true. We've gone...

Mike Ferry’s Plan of Action

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of March 10th, as I have told some of you. It's one of the longer months of the year. There’re 21 workdays in the month of March and not counting Saturdays, which would bring it up to about 25. So, there's more opportunities to list and sell real estate this month than there was, for example, in January and February. So, let's take advantage of that. I've been asked to question many times, and I've tried to answer it in seminars repetitively. Um, how did I differentiate myself from another agent when it came to listing a property? Because, you know, there's the certain questions the sellers always...

Ten Steps On Becoming a Productive Real Estate Agent

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of March 3rd. For those that have been to one of my seminars, you will always notice that I keep my notes for what I'm going to say in my hand at all times. And because of what I want to accomplish today with you guys and gals, I'm going to have my notes in my hand. I figured out yesterday that we've been doing Mike Ferry TVs for a little over 24 years. When I figured that out, I felt much older than when I started talking to you guys a few minutes ago. But we've done about 1,200 Mike Ferry TVs, which probably I'm thinking we've...

Reasons Why A Real Estate Agent Succeeds

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, coach and speaker for the Mike Ferry Organization. Pleased to be filling in for Mr. Mike Ferry this week, the week of February 24th. Okay, so 50 years Mike Ferry has been doing this work, opened the company back in 1975, and has been coaching and training and leading real estate professionals for 50 years. And I was going through some materials from Mike Ferry and the Mike Ferry organization and something popped up. Okay. And when I saw this little list, this was probably written by Mike, maybe 20 years ago. Okay. But when I saw this list, it has so much truth in it that I thought...

Maximizing Production In The Spring Market

Welcome back to another edition of Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, coach and speaker for the Mike Ferry Organization and happy, as always to spend some time with you here. Okay, here we are on the week of February 17th. I want to start by this understanding that of something that we know in the Mike Ferry Organization. We know that a majority of real estate agents do 70% of their annual production in a six-month window of time. It's been proven okay. So, I have two questions for you to get started. First of all, do you understand and believe that that's true for you, that you do a majority of your production in a six-month...

Becoming The Best of The Best

  Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV the week of February the 10th. I had a conversation a couple of days ago with one of our coaching clients, and it reminded me of a conversation that I had several years ago with a very prominent real estate executive who is sitting in one of my seminars. There were several people in the audience, and this happens. It's just part of the process that we're complaining about what I was asking them to do. You know, I was talking about prospect, present, close, maintain a strong attitude, etc. The executive put up his hand and said, can I say something to your audience? And I said, of course, go ahead....