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20 Ways to Build a Successful Real Estate Business

Building your Real Estate business can be a big challenge, but it can also be a rewarding one. In order to find success, you need to take it step by step, building the skills you need along the way. Learn 20 ways to build a successful Real Estate business and where you can get all of the skills and tools required to make it happen for you.

A man talking on the phone while his laptop is open

1) Remember That It’s a Business

Make every decision for your business a sound one. Even if you’re working for yourself, Real Estate is still a business.

2) Keep Your Priorities Straight

Every Real Estate business has 4 priorities, and it’s important to concentrate on them daily. These priorities are lead prospecting, lead follow-up, listing and negotiations. This is what leads to production for you.

3) Prospect for Three Hours per Day

Every day for 90 days, focus on cold calling, past clients, FSBOs, expired listings and referrals.

Two Real Estate Agents looking at a laptop

4) Keep It Short

Keep the length of all listing presentations short and to the point.

5) Pick Your Buyers

Focus on Buyers who are highly motivated and qualified, direct referrals and clients with whom you have a relationship.

6) Hold Yourself Accountable

Monitor yourself and stay accountable. Remember, you’re a business, not a game.

7) Embrace Efficiency

Only work with your absolute best prospects. When you make presentations, do so in the office, but when you make offers, do it over the phone. This will greatly increase your efficiency.

A woman talking on the phone

8) See Beyond Your Fears

What’s in the way of your growth? What fears are holding you back? Work to overcome them.

9) Break Bad Habits

If something you’ve always done clearly isn’t working, change it!

10) Never Be Satisfied

Just because you’re successful, that doesn’t mean you can’t be more successful. You deserve all you can get, so keep going!

11) Know Your Numbers

Understand the metrics you need to achieve your goals. Make them measurable, and keep track of them.

12) Prospecting Counts

Treat the time you spend prospecting as a hard appointment on your calendar, and stick to it.

13) Set Your Steps

Establish a step by step method to sell each listing, and follow it.

14) There’s Always Tomorrow

Even if you have a bad day where no deal goes right, there’s always tomorrow. One bad day won’t break your Real Estate business.

A man smiling and giving two thumbs up

15) Marketing ROI

Review your return on investment from your marketing and promotions campaigns. Focus on those that are delivering the biggest return.

16) Make It Happen

Waiting for business works for almost no one, and buying it is a short-term solution. If you want success, go out, work for it and make it happen.

17) Track Billable Hours

Track all of your billable hours—including those you spend prospecting—for 30 days, and review where they put you.

18) Keep a Clear Head

Getting emotional doesn’t help anything. Stay in control at all times, no matter what happens.

19) Stay Logical

No matter what situations crop up, and no matter what questions or objections are thrown your way, stay logical in addressing them.

20) Build Relationships

Every customer you have is a legacy for your Real Estate business. Follow up with them, and build lasting relationships.

A group of three people have a conversation

If you’d like more detailed information on how you can build a truly successful Real Estate business, The Mike Ferry Organization is ready to help. Check out our upcoming events like The Complete Listing Workshop, Special Listing Workshop, and Production Retreat West. These events will help you grow into a Top Producer.


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