Mike Ferry TV Blog

The Mike Ferry TV Blog (MFTV) is an excellent resource for anyone interested in Real Estate, particularly agents and brokers looking to enhance their skills and knowledge. The MFTV episodes provide practical skills and strategies that can be immediately applied in the Real Estate business. These range from improving your self-confidence to understanding complex legal issues in the industry, essential for navigating the Real Estate market effectively. The Real Estate industry is dynamic, and staying updated with the latest trends and legal verdicts is crucial. MFTV offers up-to-date information, ensuring that Real Estate Professionals are well-informed about the latest developments in the industry.

Top Producers vs. the Rest in Real Estate – Part 1

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of March 18th. The days are flying by quickly. We hope that each of you are succeeding at the levels you're trying to accomplish in the first quarter of 2024. I wrote down a simple thought. I said, what are the differences between the best Real Estate agent and when I define the word best? I'm not talking about just production or income. I'm talking about quality of work they do, the quality of service they offer other people. So what's the difference between the best and so many others in our industry? Because the sad part about Real Estate is that virtually anybody that is qualified to...

Knowing What to Say and Knowing What to Do

Good morning and welcome back to Mike Ferry TV it's the week of March 11th, 2024. We hope that you're off to a good start for the year. January and February were probably a little slower than we anticipated nationwide, but March is up to you and March is up to you doing the job that you've been hired to do, and we're trying to help you do it a little more efficiently and effectively. I've written down five or six thoughts for today. If you're taking notes, I'd like you to write them down. If you're not taking notes, I want you to review this particular Mike Ferry TV at least two or three times before next Monday. This is a...

Making the Right Connections: Who to Call in Your Prospecting Efforts

Good morning and welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. It's the week of March 4th. We have two months down. Ten great months to go for all of us in Real Estate. I'm going to talk a little bit again about the inventory shortage, which is an ongoing conversation in our industry. And it's a problem that is very solvable. The reason why we're having a hard time with it is that the majority of agents in Real Estate today work with buyers versus sellers. I think I've probably shared in the past that in the 60s and 70s, if an agent did 20-30 transactions, half were listing sold, half were buyer-controlled sales. That has changed dramatically. We don't have enough...

How To Become A Better Listing Agent In 2024

Welcome back. Good morning from Mike Ferry TV it is the week of February 26th. This has been a little bit longer month than we normally have in the month of February, so I hope that it has been productive for each of you. I wrote down a question how do we become a better or even a great listing agent? Because I think all of us are aware that the biggest challenge the industry faces today is the inventory shortage. That problem has taken place or been in place since COVID took place a few years ago. And it's interesting when you look at the reasons why that shortage is in play and has remained in play. You start...

10 Challenges of Selling Real Estate in High Volume – Part 2

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It's the week of February 19th. The days, weeks and months go by faster and faster. Had a conversation with a great client about a week ago and he said, "Have you noticed, Mike, that as we get a little bit older in life, everything seems to speed up?" I said, "Well, we're getting closer to the end, and we might as well do all we can to lead a productive, you know, very, very profitable and enjoyable life while this time on earth is there for us." We never know how long the Real Estate market is going to last in a positive mode. Nor do we know how long it's going to last...

10 Challenges of Selling Real Estate in High Volume – Part 1

Welcome my good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It's the week of February 12th. The month's good days and the weeks go by faster and faster. So let's get right to it. About, uh, ten days ago, I had the chance to see an article that was published on some of the social media sites, and the article was titled the 12 Hard or 10 Hard Rules of Selling and Doing Business in Life. And I thought it was an interesting article. And I took that article and I adapted it to you and I in the Real Estate business, and I changed the title to The 10 Challenges of Selling Real Estate in High Volume. Because the truth is, you...