Mike Ferry TV Blog

The Mike Ferry TV Blog (MFTV) is an excellent resource for anyone interested in Real Estate, particularly agents and brokers looking to enhance their skills and knowledge. The MFTV episodes provide practical skills and strategies that can be immediately applied in the Real Estate business. These range from improving your self-confidence to understanding complex legal issues in the industry, essential for navigating the Real Estate market effectively. The Real Estate industry is dynamic, and staying updated with the latest trends and legal verdicts is crucial. MFTV offers up-to-date information, ensuring that Real Estate Professionals are well-informed about the latest developments in the industry.

4 Important Real Estate Topics To Help You Reach Your 2023 Goals

On this episode of Mike Ferry TV, Coach Ira Naiditch shows us 4 Important Real Estate Topics To Help You Reach Your 2023 Goals.   Good morning and welcome to Mike Ferry TV. My name is Ira Naiditch and we're just beginning the week of November 28th. For those of you in the United States. We just finished our Thanksgiving weekend, and for all of us, we have one month of work left before beginning 2023. We will be going over 4 Important Real Estate Topics to help you reach your goals. Are you ready? Have you completed your business plans? What are you doing to remain appraised of any market shifts in your area? And are you ready to do what it...

6 Points On How To Strengthen Your Mindset Right Now

On this episode of Mike Ferry TV, Tony Smith discusses, 6 Points On How To Strengthen Your Mindset Right Now. Table of Contents 2022 Recap Six Points on How to Strengthen Your Mindset Right Now from Mike Ferry Number 1: Don't Waste Time and Energy on Things You Can't Control Number 2: Don't Compare Yourself to Others Number 3: Stop Resisting Change Number 4: Stop Worrying About What is Fair and Unfair Number 5: Don't Try to Please Everybody Number 6: Strengthen Your Mindset by Taking Massive Action Closing Thoughts   Here we are the week of November 21st. Wow! Has this year bolted along pretty fast? I think there's only 30 workdays approximately left in the calendar year of 2022. Can...

How To Get Listings Sold In This Different Market – Part 3

In part 3 of 3 for this series, Mike Ferry discusses How to Get Listings Sold in this New Market. How To Get Listings Sold In This Different Market - Part 3 And welcome to Mike Ferry TV. And most importantly, welcome to Monday, November 7th. As we all know, the market has pretty much normalized now. We've been talking about ideas on getting price reductions, and getting our listing sold in this post-pandemic area that we're all dealing with. And it's an interesting time because the majority of Real Estate people are not doing any business in the fourth quarter of the year. In fact, I think the majority haven't done any business all year long. But for those of you that take listings,...

How To Get Listings Sold In This Different Market – Part 2

In part 2 of 3 for this series, Mike Ferry discusses How to Get Listings Sold in this New Market. How To Get Listings Sold In This Different Market - Part 2 Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is, of course, the week of October 31st, three months in the fourth quarter. One month is down. How have you done so far? Because we always have to remember that what we are doing in October, November and December not only allows us to finish the year strong, which we all have to do, but it also, and probably as importantly, really affects our income in January and February. One of the biggest challenges Real Estate people face is if they've had...

How To Get Listings Sold In This Different Market – Part 1

In part 1 of 3 for this series, Mike Ferry discusses How to Get Listings Sold in this New Market. How To Get Listings Sold In This Different Market - Part 1 Good morning and welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of October 24th and we're doing a three-part series starting today. If you're a Broker, Broker, Owner, or Manager, make sure that you get all of your salespeople watching it this week because we're going to be talking about how to get listings sold in this little bit different market than what we've had the last two and a half years. I'm going to read part of this to you to start, and I want you to listen carefully and...

The Factors that Create a Normal Market – Part 2

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV week of October 17th. We started last week by sharing a couple of thoughts in relation to what are the changes taking place that are creating for a lot of the veterans what we call a very normal market.  And we talked about the days on market extending, which we talked about. We talked a little bit about price reductions being a big thing today, whereas six months ago, 12 to 14 months ago, price reductions didn't even exist. We talked a little bit about the fact that the inventory is actually growing week by week, which is a good sign because it gives the Buyers several more choices. And we mentioned also last week that...